Standards-based record file format.  Streaming-capable, public domain.Standards-based record file format.  Streaming-capable, public domain.


This page is intended as a resource for both software developers and end-users alike to locate and download relevant materials for the JSON-Base64 file format. The Overview page has a more general-purpose overview of the JB64 file format.

If you find a broken link on this page or are the author of a library or SDK that implements JSON-Base64, please contact the webmaster of this website.


What follows is a short list of links to plugins that read/write JB64 files for very popular applications:

This list is intentionally being kept short.

Command-line Tools

Several powerful command-line tools are available to convert CSV and Excel files to JSON-Base64, run SQL queries against databases (CSDB) and output the results in JSON-Base64, preview, manipulate, and clean up the data stored in JSON-Base64 files, and convert JSON-Base64 files to CSV or import their contents into a database. Many commands output to stdout and can be piped to other commands by specifying STDIN as the input file. The included PHP scripts in the command-line tools package are:

Download the command-line tools


What follows is a list of links to libraries or SDKs that implement the JB64 file format, broken down by programming language and license listed if it is known:

Know of an implementation not in this list? Contact support@cubiclesoft.com.

Desktop/Application Icons

Official JB64 icon (256x256 pixels)

A set of official JB64 icons have been made and are designed to be used as-is or integrated into your application's icon as an overlay. These icons are under the licensed under the Creative Commons Zero license.

Download json-base64-icons.zip

The ZIP file contains a set of Photoshop PSD files, transparent PNGs of various sizes, and a Windows .ico file (with some slightly incorrect color tinting). The official colors of JB64 are:

If the text is to appear in an icon, it should be legible. The text is fairly blurry in the 32x32 icon. The 16x16 icon is just the solid color with the border.

Please note that the above aren't rules on usage. Since the images are CC0, you can do whatever you want with them. However, ideally a user should be able to see the icon on any device in any context and immediately recognize it as a JB64 file or data source for their sake.

GitHub Repository

Want to contribute, report a bug, or just pull everything down with a git client? The semi-bloated GitHub repository containing all the official stuff can be found here.

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